Conference Policies

Archive Access Policy

The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.




The recent severe energy crisis has forced the world to develop new and alternative methods of power generation, which could not be adopted so far due to various reasons. The magneto-hydro-dynamic (MHD) power generation is one of the examples of a new unique method of power generation. The other non-conventional methods of power generation may be such as solar cells, fuel cells, thermo-electric generator, thermionic converter, solar power generation, wind power generation, geo-thermal energy generation, tidal power generation etc.

The fields of GREEN AND  RENEWABLE ENERGY are converging fast through onsite energy solutions and new clean energy grid offerings.

Don’t miss this seminal event




  1. As a scientific forum covers all frontier topic in green energy and renewable energy, related scientists, researchers and research scholars to communicate their research outcomes, sharing ideas and knowledge about all aspects of  green and renewable energy development,
  2. Provides the premier interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in green and renewable energy development



The speakers of plenary lectures are:

  1. Prof. Sri Adiningsih, The Policy of National energy resources, Ketua Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden.
  2. Prof. Nelson Tansu,  “Novel Approach for Enhancement of Light Extraction Efficiency of III-Nitride LEDs by Using SiO2 / Polystyrene Microlens Arrays = Colloidal Lithography Approach” Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA United States.
  3. Prof. Ari Handono Ramelan, “ Exploration of Indonesia Natural Renewable Energy Resouurces FMIPA Sebelas Maret University.
  4. Prof. Kamaruddin Abdulah, Director of the Graduate School Renewable Energy, Darma Persada University.
  5. Prof. Renate Egan, Australian PV Institute topic The Development of PV: Callenge and Project.
  6. Ir. Rida Mulyana, M.Sc. efforts to increase the utilization of renewable energy resources and energy conservation, Direktorat Jendral  Energi Baru terbarukan dan konservasi energi (EBTKE).


Abstract submission due: October 22, 2016

Abstract acceptance notification: October 29, 2016

Fullpaper submission due: November 6, 2016

Deadline for registration : October 29, 2016

Conference days: November 14-15, 2016


  1. Prof. Nelson Tansu,  Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA United States.
  2. Prof. Renate Egan, Australian PV Institute topic The Development of PV: Callenge and Project.


Prof. Ir. Ari Handono Ramelan


Dr. Sayekti Wahyuningsih, M.Si

Secretary and Scientific Committee coordinator:
Ahmad Marzuki, Ph.D

Secretariat and registration:

Dr. Dian Maruto Widjonarko

Sponsorship, Cultural Event & Logistic:

Dr, Agus Supriyanto

Contact Persons

Dr. Ahmad Marzuki.  phone: +6281325313850

Dr. Sayekti Wahyuningsih.  phone: +62 81568455281




Participants are encouraged to register earlier in advance to get benefit from early registration fees. Late registration and on-site registration remain further available options. Please refer to important dates for your time consideration.





Early registration

Late registration







Author (reguler)


225 USD

250 USD


Presentation only


125 USD

150 USD


Attendance/ listener participants

75   USD

100 USD


Additional Fee per page


50   USD


Additional Fee per paper


125 USD



*) Eary registration : before october 15, 2016



After completing the registration form, applicants should make a payment to the following bank account.

Bank: BNI

SWIFT Code :  BNI NI DJA xxx

Account number: 0193813072

Account name: Ponimah

Bank Address: Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Surakarta


The payments should be made after filling out an online registration form. Thus, applicants should submit the proof of payment by emailing with the email subject format as Payment_Name_phonenumber



Abstract Submission

Participants are invited to submit abstracts for Oral or Poster contributions. The submission of abstracts will only be possible on-line by filling abstract online form. The deadline for submission of abstracts for papers to be considered for Oral or Poster presentation is September 17, 2016. Abstract must be written in English and should be a maximum of 300 words.
One participant is limited to submit two abstract as first author.
Abstracts of all papers accepted by the Scientific Committee will be available on this website and included in the book of abstracts once registration fees have been received.

Abstract Template

Full Paper Template



Paper Submission

Submitt your paper to easy chair system or sent

accepted full paper will be invited to give the oral presentation / poster presentation at the conference and be published in the conference proceding.

Oral presentations will take place in all parallel seminar. The duration of oral presentations are 15 minutes each (talk and questions), the schedule of the program will be updated.

Abstract/presentation only
Accepted abstract will be invited to give the oral presentation or  poster presentation at the conference. The presentation will no be published.

Submitt your paper to easy chair system or sent


Poster Presentation
All posters will be displayed during the conference day and should be mounted by the presenter at 08:00 am. All posters should be applied in bannerdimension (60 x 160 mm).
Listener/ group visitors

Listener / group visitor after sucsesfully registration, will get access to all events. Please contact e via


Selected papers will be published in “IOP Proceedings” (Open Acces) which is indexed by SCOPUS. All papers can be published after passing through the reviewing system.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.